
About Fix It Guys Handyman Service

Fix It Guys Handyman Service is a handyman business in Port Jefferson Station, NY. Our goal is to ensure that our work is high-quality and only use the equipment to ensure we provide you with the best results. We are personable and funny, but you can assure that we will finish our work on time. You can rely on us to troubleshoot and resolve your issues confidently and promptly, just short of "get 'er done," is what we're thinking. We specialize in landscaping design, architecture lighting, and irrigation. Going into business as a handyman is a read on the economy going south and wanting to be "recession-proof" by focusing on needed home repair and maintenance. People looking for a handyperson aren't looking for a unique one, just the opposite. We are unusually high quality in the area, and not just offer you ordinary handyman services. Contact Fix It, Guys Handyman Service today for more information about our services!

Fix it Guys Handyman is a trade name or D/B/A of Hoyt Industries.